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Download PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 PDF: Informasi Penting tentang Pencatatan Pernikahan


Download PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 PDF

If you are looking for a way to download PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 PDF, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will explain what PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 is, why it is important, and how to download it from official sources.

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What is PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019?

PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 is a regulation issued by the Minister of Religious Affairs of Indonesia on September 30, 2019, regarding the registration of marriage for Muslims in Indonesia. PMA stands for Peraturan Menteri Agama, which means Regulation of the Minister of Religious Affairs.

The purpose and scope of the regulation

The purpose of PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 is to ensure the orderliness, transparency, and legal certainty in the implementation of marriage for Muslims in Indonesia. The regulation covers the following aspects of marriage registration:

  • The requirements and procedures for registering the intention to marry

  • The examination and verification of the documents for marriage

  • The rejection and appeal of the intention to marry

  • The announcement and publication of the intention to marry

  • The prenuptial agreement

  • The execution and recording of the marriage contract

  • The issuance and delivery of the marriage certificate

  • The registration of marriage conducted abroad

  • The registration of reconciliation after divorce

  • The administration and management of marriage records

The main provisions of the regulation

Some of the main provisions of PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 are as follows:

  • The registration of marriage is done by the Head of the Subdistrict Office for Religious Affairs (KUA Kecamatan) or the Overseas Marriage Registrar (PPN LN) for marriages conducted abroad.

  • The marriage registrar (PPN) is a civil servant who is assigned by the Minister of Religious Affairs or an appointed official to record marriages for Muslims.

  • The marriage contract (ijab qabul) is performed by a functional official called Penghulu, who is a civil servant who provides services and guidance for marriage or reconciliation, develops Penghulu skills, and guides Muslim communities.

  • The marriage certificate (Akta Nikah) is an authentic document that records the marriage contract.

  • The marriage book (Buku Nikah) is a document that contains a copy of the marriage certificate in book form.

  • The marriage card (Kartu Nikah) is a document that records the marriage in card form.

  • The duplicate marriage book (Duplikat Buku Nikah) is a document that replaces the lost or damaged marriage book.

  • The reconciliation certificate (Akta Rujuk) is an authentic document that records the reconciliation after divorce.

  • The reconciliation excerpt (Kutipan Akta Rujuk) is a document that contains a copy of the reconciliation certificate.

  • The Marriage Information Management System (SIMKAH) is an electronic application that manages the administration of marriage.

Why is PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 important?

PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 is important because it regulates one of the most fundamental aspects of human life, which is marriage. Marriage is not only a personal matter, but also a social and legal one that affects various rights and obligations of individuals and families. Therefore, it is necessary to have a clear and comprehensive regulation that governs how marriage should be conducted and recorded for Muslims in Indonesia.

The benefits of the regulation

Some of the benefits of PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 are as follows:

  • It simplifies and standardizes the process of marriage registration for Muslims in Indonesia, making it more accessible and convenient.

  • It ensures the validity and legality of marriage for Muslims in Indonesia, protecting their rights and interests in various matters such as inheritance, custody, alimony, social security, and citizenship.

  • It prevents and reduces the occurrence of unregistered marriages (nikah siri), which often cause problems and disputes for the parties involved and their children.

  • It promotes the transparency and accountability of the marriage registrars and Penghulus, preventing corruption and abuse of power.

  • It enhances the quality and reliability of the marriage data and records, facilitating the planning and evaluation of policies and programs related to marriage and family.

The challenges of the regulation

Some of the challenges of PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 are as follows:

  • It requires the availability and readiness of the human resources, infrastructure, and technology to implement the regulation effectively and efficiently.

  • It demands the coordination and cooperation among various stakeholders, such as the central and local governments, the religious courts, the civil registry offices, and the public.

  • It faces the resistance and reluctance of some segments of society who are accustomed to or prefer the traditional or informal ways of marriage.

  • It needs the dissemination and socialization of the regulation to raise awareness and understanding among the potential beneficiaries and users.

  • It involves the monitoring and evaluation of the regulation to identify and address any gaps or issues that may arise during its implementation.

How to download PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 PDF?

If you want to download PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 PDF, you can do so from the official sources provided by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. Here are the steps to download the regulation:

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The official sources of the regulation

The official sources of PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 PDF are as follows:


The website of the Ministry of Religious Affairs

The website of SIMKAH

The website of JDIH Kemenag

The website of LKPP

The website of Hukum Online

The steps to download the regulation

The steps to download PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 PDF from any of the official sources are as follows:

  • Open your web browser and go to the URL of your preferred source Find the link or button that says "Download" or "Unduh" or something similar and click on it

  • Choose the location and name for the file and save it on your device

  • Open the file with a PDF reader or viewer and enjoy reading the regulation


PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 is a regulation that regulates the registration of marriage for Muslims in Indonesia. It aims to provide orderliness, transparency, and legal certainty in the implementation of marriage for Muslims in Indonesia. It also offers various benefits for the parties involved and their children, such as protecting their rights and interests, preventing unregistered marriages, and enhancing the quality and reliability of the marriage data and records. However, it also poses some challenges, such as requiring adequate resources, coordination, cooperation, dissemination, socialization, monitoring, and evaluation. Therefore, it is important to understand and follow the regulation properly and download it from official sources.


What is the difference between PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 and KUA-PPAS?

PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 is a regulation that regulates the registration of marriage for Muslims in Indonesia, while KUA-PPAS is an acronym for Kantor Urusan Agama-Pusat Pelayanan Administrasi Syariah, which means Office for Religious Affairs-Center for Sharia Administration Services. KUA-PPAS is a unit within the Ministry of Religious Affairs that provides various services related to marriage, divorce, inheritance, endowment, and sharia economy.

How much does it cost to register a marriage under PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019?

The cost of registering a marriage under PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 depends on the type and location of the marriage. According to Article 30 of the regulation, the cost consists of two components: the administrative fee (biaya administrasi) and the service fee (biaya pelayanan). The administrative fee is determined by the Minister of Religious Affairs based on the type of marriage (regular or special), while the service fee is determined by the local government based on the location of the marriage (domestic or overseas). The administrative fee ranges from Rp. 0 to Rp. 500,000, while the service fee varies depending on the local government.

How long does it take to register a marriage under PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019?

The time it takes to register a marriage under PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 depends on several factors, such as the completeness and validity of the documents, the availability and readiness of the marriage registrar and Penghulu, and the technical conditions of SIMKAH. According to Article 18 of the regulation, the registration of marriage should be done at least 10 days before the date of marriage. However, in some cases, such as emergency situations or special requests, the registration can be done in a shorter time with approval from the Head of KUA Kecamatan or PPN LN.

What are the consequences of not registering a marriage under PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019?

The consequences of not registering a marriage under PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019 can be serious and detrimental for the parties involved and their children, such as:

  • The marriage may not be recognized by the state and the law, which means that the parties may not be able to enjoy the rights and obligations of marriage, such as inheritance, custody, alimony, social security, and citizenship.

  • The marriage may be considered as adultery or fornication, which may subject the parties to criminal sanctions or social stigma.

  • The children born from the marriage may not have a legal status and identity, which may affect their rights and interests, such as education, health, and inheritance.

  • The parties may face difficulties and complications in case of divorce, reconciliation, remarriage, or death of the spouse.

How to update or correct the data or information in the marriage certificate under PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019?

If there is any mistake or change in the data or information in the marriage certificate under PMA No. 20 Tahun 2019, the parties can request for an update or correction from the marriage registrar who issued the certificate. According to Article 38 of the regulation, the update or correction can be done by submitting a written application along with the supporting documents and evidence. The marriage registrar will then verify and validate the application and issue a new marriage certificate with the updated or corrected data or information.


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